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S: Close Friends or Partners of Convenience? - WS 2022/23

TU Dresden | Wintersemester 2022 / 2023 S: Close Friends or Partners of Convenience? - WS 2022/23

“The EU and North American enjoy close ties. Shared roots and values form a bond between the democracies on both sides of the Atlantic. The United States remains Europe’s most important security and economic partner.” This is how the German Foreign Office defines transatlantic relations. However, in the 21st century, the transatlantic relationship is being put to the test. Among the straining issues are the supply of natural resources, defense spending, questions free trade, or data protection. Russia’s invasion into Ukraine has added a whole new dimension to the majority of these preexisting challenges.

In this seminar, we will start by taking a historic and institutional perspective to examine the relationship between the United States and Europe. After laying these foundations, we will look at the transatlantic relationship from different angles provided by existing theories of international relations. We will then use these discussions to apply them to different policy fields, such as energy or security policy, by understanding the strategic objectives of relevant actors, how these objectives have developed since the end of the Cold War, and how actors have been successful in and challenged while attempting to reach them. Finally, we will look at the current state of the transatlantic relationship in light of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine and discuss what it could mean for the future resilience of the bond across the Atlantic.


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