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Introduction to European Law (englischsprachig)

TU Dresden | Sommersemester 2024 Introduction to European Law (englischsprachig)

Dozentin: Dr. Romy Klimke

Donnerstags (3. DS) 11:10-12:40 Uhr in HSZ/403/H

EU-Recht (Introduction to EU Law):

This course will provide an overview of the Institutional Law and Fundamental Freedoms of the European Union. After an outline of the history of the EU we will engage with the sources of EU Law, the EU Institutions, the competences of the EU and the system of legal protection under the TFEU. Furthermore, we will look into the direct effect and supremacy of EU Law and give an overview of the Fundamental Freedoms with a focus on the free movement of goods. During the course, the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will be highlighted.”

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